The 7 Benefits of Assisted Living Revealed

Assisted living is becoming increasingly popular with older generations and whether you are looking for somewhere to grow old or are looking for a place for your family member, there are plenty of reasons to choose assisted living. Assisted living comes in a range of formats, for those who need only a little help to live independently and those who need regular care. Below we look at 7 benefits of assisted living, to help you make the right choice for yourself or a loved one.

Independence and Privacy

For many older people who need additional support, it can be a struggle to have family members or caregivers coming in and out of the home. For those who live with family, lacking that independence and privacy can also be difficult for all involved. In assisted living, seniors can live with as much privacy as they need, with their own rooms and bathrooms, and be as independent as they want, always knowing there is a caregiver near if they need support. Some days, it may be easy to shower and dress, other days they may need extra support. Assisted living offers both independence and privacy, catering for each individual. For some, this is a better choice than home care, as not every day is the same, especially if you live with a health condition.


For many older people, cooking may be difficult and healthy eating becomes a thing of the past. Especially for those who live alone, cooking for one just isn’t the same. Instead of reaching for another frozen meal, assisted living can provide freshly cooked, balanced choices which will nourish the body and improve factors such as obesity or lack of energy. Eating a well-balanced diet is essential, especially as we age. Having meals prepared is a load off the mind and there are always plenty of food options.


Many assisted living facilities offer transport for seniors to go to events, shopping or other activities. This gives a sense of freedom without having to pay for extra bus fares or taxi costs. For those who can’t drive, it can be frustrating having to wait for a family member or friend to be free for a day out. With assisted living, there are plenty of trips out and opportunities to use transport which is safe and has on hand medical assistance if needed. For those struggling with sitting in the house too much, assisted living offers many chances to visit new places and get out for the day.

Social Activities

Assisted living communities offer social activities daily, with themed nights, fitness opportunities and many more fun ways to spend an afternoon or evening. Some of these events will also be off site, meaning seniors get the chance for a day out. Family and friends are also able to visit, so there is plenty of time for catching up between social activities. There will also be many chances to chat to new friends, with meal times together and shared living spaces to watch TV, play games and much more.

Fitness Opportunities

Staying fit is important no matter what age you are. Physical activity is linked to reduced pain, better sleep and improved mental health. Even if you cannot move the way you used to, assisted living has many chances for you to move in a safe way, with on-hand medical assistance if required. Exercising and getting outdoors with other seniors is a great way to stay fit and active. Group exercise classes are just one of many ways to start the day off right and feel great for doing so. No matter your condition, assisted living will have fitness opportunities to cater to your individual needs and skill set.

Sense of Community

Many people choose assisted living to be near people of their own age. Especially for those who are widowed, divorced or single, not having a support group around you of people your own age can feel lonely. This can lead to depression and general sadness. While having a family support system is nice, having people around you of your own age will bring a sense of community and new connections. The sense of community within assisted living can improve self-confidence and provide fantastic friendships. Taking part in group days out and activities with new friends will bring a sense of purpose and happiness, which is much harder to achieve when living alone.


If you are worried about taking care of yourself, or your loved one is aging and struggling to cook and clean, it can be difficult to maintain a sense of safety. It can be worrying for everyone involved when we struggle with general care but assisted living is there to bring back that sense of safety. If you are feeling like a burden on family and friends and are worried about your own safety, assisted living may be the right choice for you. In assisted living, there is always someone to help if needed. This can be a relief for family and friends who are worried about leaving elderly relatives alone for any length of time. You will also make friends within assisted living, who will be there to support you and vice versa.

Finding the Right Assisted Living

There are many types of assisted living, depending on the type of support you or your loved one needs. For those who require general support with daily living, Princeton Assisted Living from Frontier Management offers all the benefits listed above. Residents can take part in learning, frequent outings to beautiful locations, caregivers on hand for all needs, healthy meals and group exercise classes. This type of assisted living is perfect for seniors who need some care and help but still want to maintain a sense of fun and social life.

Assisted living can offer a whole host of benefits for those looking to make new friends, be part of a bigger community, feel a sense of safety and live in the most independent way possible. Assisted living is a great choice for those struggling to care for their daily needs and do not want caregivers coming in and out of their home.

1 thought on “The 7 Benefits of Assisted Living Revealed”

  1. The part of your article that talked about the safety aspect of assisted living was definitely one that I enjoyed reading. Part of what has me concerned about my mother living by herself is what might happen if she falls over or is too weak to do daily chores regularly anymore. If I can find an assisted living facility in the area that can make sure she retires safely, I’ll definitely be able to have better peace of mind.

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