A Guide to Planning a Romantic Date Night

Whether you have recently made your relationship ‘official’ and you are keen to impress, or whether the two of you have kids and are looking to rekindle the spark away from the chaos at home, this is your handy guide to planning a romantic date night to remember.

Choosing the Place

The main place at which the date will be taking place should be conducive to romance. In other words, it should be relatively quiet, intimate, and perhaps hold some special meaning for the two of you. In many cases, taking your sweetheart back to the restaurant at which you had your first date can elicit warm, nostalgic feelings and help the date and the conversation flow.

Choosing the Time

Be sure to plan the special date very strategically around both of your schedules. You don’t want to plan it for a time when your partner may be feeling stressed or distracted, or when you know that one of you has to get up early the following day. If you have children, make sure that your chosen babysitter is available to look after them before making any bookings or reservations. You will also want to double check that the kids don’t have any looming homework deadlines, such as a project that needs to be handed in the next morning that they need your help completing.

If the romantic date is a surprise and you need to enquire regarding your partner’s work commitments, speak to their close friend and ask them to confirm on your behalf.

Choosing a Gift

The best way to kick off a memorable date night is by giving your partner a thoughtful gift, such as a shiny new watch or a shimmering chain bracelet, like those for sale at Fjewellery.co.uk.

Choosing the Itinerary

When it comes to choosing the itinerary for your date, you don’t want to pack in too much activity, otherwise you will not have any time to simply relax, chat, and enjoy each other’s company. However, you also don’t want the date to feel boring or predictable. Often, it is best to find that middle ground by creating two balanced, separate portions of the date. For example, you could go rock climbing together, followed by drinks at a local, trendy cocktail bar. Or going the classic route and seeing a movie, followed by a decadent dinner for two are also good ideas.

Making the Most of It

Once the anticipated date is in full swing, be sure to make the effort to really savor every moment and make the most of your time spent together. It’s a good idea to keep devices stashed away and reduce all distractions and focus only on being present and available.

Don’t forget to plan regular date nights, each taking turns to put the intricacies together. This will ensure that your relationship remains a top priority and that you always make time for one another despite the challenges and responsibilities that life may throw at you along the way.