Westside Family Church

Westside Family Church has been a growing family within the community of Lenexa, Kansas since 1976. Their mission is “Love Jesus, Become Jesus, Share Jesus”, they pride themselves with being active parts of the community. Westsiders of the community believe in living out their faith to the people around them offering volunteer work, connecting in life group studies, growth classes and much more.

Here are some ways you can help within your community.

1. Flexible Roles

You want to be an active part of the community, but your life schedule is limited? There are somethings that you can do, that don’t commit you to a set time.

  • Mentor a young person
  • Befriend a lonely elderly person
  • Visit your local hospital
  • Conservation Volunteer
  • Charity shop assistant

2. Shop within your community

When you shop locally this helps bring money into your town, and not to large global stores. Check out your community’s local produce, not only is it fresher but the money goes back into the community.

3. Clean up the roads

Clean up the local ditches and surrounding areas of the community. Unfortunately, there’s always trash to be cleaned up. It’s a two in one situation, you get to be outside, and helping the community stay clean all at the same time.

4. Donate

In any community donations are accepted for local happenings within it. Whether it be a movie night at the park, a yearly festival, the local pound or shelter, it doesn’t even have to be money. There are non – costly ways to help as well. You can donate articles of clothing you’re no longer wearing, or household items to families within the community that don’t have anything.

5. Visit your local nursing home

A lot of the time nursing homes allow visitors and volunteers. There are plenty events that happen you can assist within the hospice patients and give them light during their last days. Often times the nursing homes will put on events such as bingo nights, movie nights, and much more. This gives the elderly things to look forward too, and often like having company with them.

6. Help your neighbour

Helping your neighbour is a good way to set up community relations. By helping you open so many doors that allow you to progress within your community. It doesn’t have to be anything excessive it could be as simple as helping the elderly man next door receive his paper, offering to grab groceries if they don’t have a vehicle, helping with lawn work, or just grabbing the mail. With doing that you’ll gain more knowledge of the society surrounding you and what’s happening where you live.

There are plenty of things to do within your community that will be rewarding not only to you but the people you’re investing time with! These are just a few options that are available to you! If you’d like to look further into your specific area there are plenty of online resources for your community.