Why Is Staff Training Important?

When you run your own business, and you have employees to take care of, training is something you might not consider is overly important. There are so many other things to consider that this can sometimes fall to the bottom of the list, and be forgotten about altogether in some cases.

However, training is vital to the success of your business. By training your staff, not only are you making your company the best it can possibly be, but you are reducing the need for you to be there all the time, offering you the chance for a better work life balance which, in the end, is what everyone wants. There are a million companies out there that help with training your office staff who will work with you to develop the best plan for your office. Zoe Training and Consulting offers corporate trainings and workshops so you can develop a proper training plan for you and your staff. Before you decide on a training session you should probably know the reasons for training everyone. So here are some of the reasons why you should never forget staff training and why its importance should never be underestimated.

More Efficient Staff

The more training your employees are able to enjoy, the more efficiently and productively they will work. Their enhanced skills and knowledge mean that they can work autonomously in many cases, whereas before the training they would have had to ask you or another manager what to do, and this would have slowed them down, and prevented the person who was helping them from doing their own job.

With everyone completely up to date and knowledgeable in everything they need to know, your business can work smoothly and accurately, with everyone just getting on with their work.

Cost Effective

Even though it will cost something to train your staff (even if you do it yourself rather than outsource, your time is valuable and therefore should be counted), the rewards that can be gained once it is done will outweigh those costs.

Getting a Bonsai Finance loan to pay for training is a good idea; once the training is done and the workers are more efficient as noted above, you will be able to make more money in your business, and the loan can be paid back quickly, with you enjoying the rest of the profits as they continue to come in.

Training is also cost effective because it means you can promote from within rather than hiring externally, which is always more expensive and takes longer. If you have trained someone to take over a specific post, then there will be no disruption, and you will be sure that you have the right person in the job.


If you want your business to run as smoothly as it can, and you want to be able to step back, or even sell it in the future and still have it be a viable business, you need to develop good systems that are simple to follow.

Training is one of these systems. The right training that everyone in the company gets is all important as then you will have real consistency throughout the company. No matter who leaves and who is hired, if the training is the same for all, the business will continue to work in the way you want it to, and the way that your customers and clients expect. This helps to give you a good overall reputation and a good reputation is worth a lot in business.

Another benefit of proper training and the consistency it gives your workforce is that, should some be sick or on vacation, you can still get everything done. You would simply need to change people’s departments or have them take up the extra work, but because of the training they have had, you will already know they are up to the task, and there will be nothing to worry about.


When you offer good training and development opportunities to your employees, you are ensuring that they are up to date and entirely compliant with any new laws, legislation, and regulations that may have come in. Having a workforce that completely understands the current way of working is excellent, and as long as you can ensure that they will receive additional training if something changes, you will be able to prove to your customers, clients, suppliers, and investors that the business can keep up with all the most current laws.

If there were to be a spot inspection, for example, you would be able to show that you understand everything that has changed or is about to change and that you have planned for it. This is reassuring to those who might have concerns and keeps you legal and above board.


Training isn’t just about ensuring your employees are able to do their jobs to the best of their abilities; it is also about keeping them (and the general public) safe. Understanding how to use specific tools, how to drive certain vehicles, how to pick items up, or even move around a warehouse, yard, or office space safely is crucial, and it is training that will keep everyone on the same track, knowing what they are meant to do.

You could also help even further by giving your employees additional first aid training. Should something go wrong, if there is someone (or lots of people) who are able to administer first aid, the problem might not be as serious as it otherwise would be. Keeping your workforce safe is vital, but making sure they can sort out any problems that might occur is just as useful.

Spot Weaknesses

Even the very best of employees will have some weaknesses somewhere in their workplace skills. Training – especially if it is ongoing – will fill those skills gaps and help to keep everyone working at their very best. Having a more well-rounded team is always going to be advantageous for your business.

Listen to what your employees are asking for as well. If they know that they are lacking in some area and they want to learn more, help them. You might be able to train them yourself, or you might know another of your employees who are particularly skilled in that area and ask them to do the training. If it is something that no one else knows how to do, or that really is best coming from an expert, organize external training. The point is, you should listen when training is brought up, as it will benefit the entire business overall, as well as the individual who is asking.