6 Dog Breeds That Are Perfect for Children

You’ve finally decided to give in to your children’s wishes to get a family dog. However, you’re not sure which breed would be the most suitable to welcome into your family. While any dog breed can be good for children with proper training, we’ve created a list of 6 dog breeds that are perfect for children as long as you make sure they receive adequate obedience training.

Finding the best dog breed for your family can be as easy as scheduling an appointment with Confident Comfort, so let’s get into it!

Golden Retriever

It’s no surprise that golden retrievers are at the top of our list when it comes to the perfect dog breeds for children. Gold retrievers are incredibly playful, easy to train, and they get along incredibly well with humans and dogs alike.


Beagles are one of the cutest dog breeds out there, and they’re amazing when it comes to living with children. They’re friendly, loyal, and always up for an adventure with their families. While beagles are a bit harder to train them some dog breeds, with some time and effort, your pup can pass his or her obedience class with flying colors.

German Shepherd

One of the most noble breeds, the German Shepherd makes a great family pet. Their fierce loyalty, heightened intelligence, and warm hearts make them incredible companions for your children. You certainly don’t ever have to worry about your children’s safety if they have their German Shepherd around.

Australian Shepherd

Australian Shepherds are full of energy, life, and love, and that’s precisely why they are one of the best dog breeds for children. They’re historically working dogs, so as long as you give them something to do and make sure they have a place to play, they’ll make a great addition to any family home.

Pit Bull Terrier

Pit Bulls are people-oriented dogs that love to love their families. They are incredibly affectionate and loving towards children as long as they get properly socialized and trained. You can make a safe bet that if you get a pit bull terrier as a family pet, they’ll turn out to be your children’s best buddy.

Border Collie

Border Collies are wonderful playmates, and they make a great dog for any family. Not only will they be your child’s best friend, but they’ll also be your family’s greatest protector. Border Collies make excellent guard dogs, which means that your child will always be in safe paws when their trusted furry companion is watching over them.